Be The Change MN Speaker Series is an event designed to spark meaningful change through conversation. We’ve created this speaker series to provide members of the community a platform to share their experiences via an open and honest environment.
The chosen Speakers will provide guidance & education on relevant issues impacting families & youth. The goal is to offer helpful tools/resources to participants, so they feel empowered to start having tough conversations at home that will help strengthen our communities.
The series speakers will provide guidance & education on relevant issues impacting families & youth. The goal is to offer helpful tools/resources to participants, so they feel empowered to start having tough conversations at home. On September 9, 2023, our speaker content will be focused on community safety, hope, and action:
-Guidance on how to safely handle a police encounter (youth focused)
-Insight as to why community/public safety requires a group effort to succeed
-Inspiration on how to take experiences of loss & turn them into actions that generate forward change